Monday, June 8, 2009

What a LuCk??

About a week ago I took this photo.
In a grain warehouse just next to my company.

What is so special about this photo??
Who is "The Star" reader everyday should be familiar with this picture.
If not "The Star" reader, never mind.
Let me tell you about this picture.
This is one of the winner of "The Star Thumbnails"
This picture was taken by me and uploaded by my colleague.
The winning date is today(8th June 2009) RM50.. :D
What is so special about this picture??
The drivers is having a superb parking skills!!
In the small slot as you see in the picture, they can parked in the prime movers in only 3-4 feet allowance spaces in between the prime movers and the water tank and the building.
It is not one prime mover...but there are two!!
Until now, I am still wondering how they parked the two prime movers into that narrow slot.
Guess it!!
One of my friend make a joke :"I think they had parked the prime movers then only they build the water tank." was so funny...
Try to guess they can parked it??!!

Hungry!!Eat my dinner 1st!!

Ja5p3R Chan

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